May 7, 2017 | Park, Place
Dr. David Friesen Drive Park Place Type: Park Address: NE corner of Dr. David Friesen Dr & Burning Glass Rd, Winnipeg, Manitoba Phone: 311 Website: Dr. David Friesen Drive Park is a 0.621977 hectare park in Winnipeg,...
May 7, 2017 | Park, Place
Burning Glass Park Place Type: Park Address: NW corner of Dr. David Friesen Dr & Burning Glass Rd, Winnipeg, Manitoba Phone: 311 Website: Burning Glass Park is a 1.485193 hectare park in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is...
May 7, 2017 | Park, Place
Creekside-Springwater Park Place Type: Park Address: S side of Creekside Rd, E of Springwater Rd, Winnipeg, Manitoba Phone: 311 Website: Creekside-Springwater Park is a 0.506779 hectare park in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is...
May 7, 2017 | Park, Place
Tedham Park Place Type: Park Address: Between 18 & 42 Tedham Ct, Winnipeg, Manitoba Phone: 311 Website: Tedham Park is a 0.045763 hectare park in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is located in the South district, the Bridgwater...
May 7, 2017 | Park, Place
Riverbend Buffer Place Type: Park Address: S/S Portage Av at Riverbend Cr, Winnipeg, Manitoba Phone: 311 Website: Riverbend Buffer is a 0.063024 hectare park in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is located in the North-2 district,...
May 7, 2017 | Park, Place
Parkside Easement Place Type: Park Address: SE Assiniboine Av & Parkside Dr, Winnipeg, Manitoba Phone: 311 Website: Parkside Easement is a 0.153035 hectare park in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is located in the North-2...