Winnipeg Nonprofit Organizations

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The Winnipeg Nonprofit Organizations directory was populated based on information collected directly from organizations (upon registration). Volunteer Winnipeg would like to ensure that the integrity, quality and accuracy of this directory is maintained. Therefore, we would like to invite all community groups and individuals to identify omissions, mistakes or necessary updates for their own nonprofit organization. If an organization would prefer not to have a listing in our directory, then please contact us and we will remove it immediately.

Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.
Mother Teresa

Winnipeg Nonprofits

Winnipeg nonprofit organizations are helping make the city a better place. The Winnipeg Nonprofit Organizations directory lists all the organizations that have joined the Volunteer Winnipeg community and that are striving to help make the volunteer matching process more effective.

The main purpose for this directory is to make it easier for site visitors, community members and volunteers to make contact with local nonprofit organizations. By doing so, we are giving you another opportunity to promote your organization, raise awareness for your cause, and help attract new support from community members and volunteers.

If you would like to see your own organization listed in the Winnipeg Nonprofit Organizations directory, then please fill out our registration form. Using this form, we are able to capture vital information about your nonprofit organization (e.g., organization name, type, short description about what you do, contact information, social media pages, etc.). The directory will help give your organization an improved web presence, which will help raise awareness about your cause and attract more interest.

Take action today, sign up, and let us help you with your cause!

Signup and find volunteers.

Signup with Volunteer Winnipeg as a nonprofit organization and find volunteers to help with your next project, fundraiser, event, etc. Once registered, your nonprofit organization will be able to post as many volunteer opportunities as you’d like… for free!