Future Hope Inc.
Organization Type: Social & Community ServicesAddress: 290 Furby Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 2A9
Contact: Pauline Hince
Website: http://www.futurehope.ca

Future Hope helps individuals rebuild their lives, contributing to stronger, safer communities.
It is a sad truth that within just two years of release, a man leaving a Canadian prison has a one in three chance of reoffending.
Not only is this dire for the individual’s chance at a productive, independent life, it ultimately means less safe communities and higher costs for taxpayers.
This is where Future Hope comes in.
As a registered charity, we work with prisoners before and after their release to give them the support they need to become responsible, contributing members of the community. For each man we help build a life away from crime, taxpayers are saved at least $120,500 annually in federal prison fees, not to mention the many associated – and often substantial – policing, court, and victim costs. This is a win-win for both the ex-offender and our communities, and Future Hope has been successfully doing this for over 20 years.
Helping Men Achieve Productive Lives
A man emerging from prison faces many immediate challenges. Where will I live? Can I find a job? How do I stay safe and avoid past negative influences? Luckily, Future Hope is there to help him deal with and overcome these and other hurdles. It starts well before his release with our Next Step program that includes both guidance and peer group support meetings to help him prepare for life after prison. Then, upon his release, Future Hope helps him rebuild his life with the following:
• Safe, affordable, supportive, alcohol and drug-free housing managed by Future Hope
• Assistance obtaining Manitoba Health card, IDs, driver’s license, clothing, etc.
• Caring peer-group relationships that promote personal growth and a renewed sense of belonging
• Connection to employment readiness, search and placement supports
• Access to community groups and health resources
• Help improving management of personal finances
• Ongoing support and encouragement dealing with substance dependencies issues
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Future Hope Inc.’s Volunteer Opportunities
Contact Future Hope Inc.
Get Directions
290 Furby Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 2A9