Winnipeg Volunteer News

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Winnipeg Police Half-Marathon Runs for Battle Against Brain Cancer

“…WINNIPEG — Runners woke up and laced up at the crack of dawn Sunday for the Winnipeg Police Service Half Marathon.

The annual event at Assiniboine Park raises funds for the Canadian Cancer Society with support this year for brain cancer research….”

Date of Article: May 7, 2017
Source: Winnipeg News

Random acts of kindness

“…On April 12 at the St. Mary’s Road Food Bank, a depot of Winnipeg Harvest, I was handed a bulging envelope full of coins and told the money was to help buy food for the hungry folks who attend.

I learned that Jordon Campbell, age 12, had attended a meeting last year at École Varennes School when I spoke to their students about volunteering at our food bank, which is part of the volunteer club they offer to their students….”

Date of Article: May 6, 2017
Source: Winnipeg Free Press

Living like a refugee

“…The southern Manitoba town of Grunthal is inviting folks to camp there this weekend — refugee style.

For $100, you can take your own tent and a sleeping bag to the camp and receive a ration of rice and beans. To cook your ration, you’ll need to collect firewood. To find the firewood, you’ll have to follow instructions in Arabic. For an additional $50, you can take in a “luxury” item such as a pillow….”

Author: Carol Sanders
Date of Article: May 5, 2017
Source: Winnipeg Free Press

Gretna Volunteers Open Doors For Asylum Seekers

“…A group of volunteers from Gretna has stepped up to help asylum seekers that are illegally crossing into Canada.

A vacant Manitoba housing unit in Gretna will be used temporarily as a reception centre to house migrants after they are processed at the Canadian port of entry in Emerson. The vacant building will serve as a shelter for up to five days while more room is made for the migrants in Winnipeg, where they will wait for their refugee applications to be processed….”

Author: Rochelle Rawdon
Date of Article: May 3, 2017
Source: Pembina Valley Online

New ‘tri-shaw’ bike rolls into Winnipeg for all ages and mobilities

“…A new program rolling out in Winnipeg gives people who are unable to ride a bike a chance to feel the thrill.

Spearheaded by Michael Erlanger, the local chapter of Cycling Without Age (CWA)—a group founded in Copenhagen—offers seniors or others with mobility challenges bicycle-propelled rickshaw rides….”

Author: Braeden Jones
Date of Article: May 2, 2017
Source: Metro

Like sloppy kisses and unconditional love? CNIB needs puppy raisers in Winnipeg

“…It’s a volunteer opportunity that’s hard to lick.

The Canadian National Institute for the Blind is putting out the call for people in Winnipeg to raise puppies so they can become socialized before being trained as guide dogs.

The CNIB, which has been around for 100 years, is launching its first ever program to raise and train guide dogs. It will operate in Toronto, Halifax and Winnipeg….”

Date of Article: April 28, 2017
Source: CBC News

Volunteer Service Award Winners Announced

“…Winnipeg, MB – The recipients of the 2017 Premier’s Volunteer Service Award were announced and honoured at a private reception with Premier Brian Pallister and during Volunteer Manitoba’s Awards Dinner held last night….”

Author: Kevin Klein
Date of Article: April 26, 2017
Source: MyToba

Better Winnipeg: Mother keeps formula drive going for Winnipeg Harvest

“…Better Winnipeg is a weekly feature that focuses on people, places and events that make Winnipeg better.

WINNIPEG — The section reserved for baby formula at Winnipeg Harvest is difficult to keep stocked. But every December for the past four years, there’s a sudden surge in supplies, thanks to Susan Krepart….”

Author: Eva Kovacs
Date of Article: April 25, 2017
Source: Global News

Glenboro residents raise money to rent apartment for visiting doctors

“…People who live in Glenboro, Man., had to raise enough money to cover the cost of a two-bedroom apartment for visiting medical staff in hopes of attracting more doctors to their rural community.

Tracy Rimmer is with the Glenboro Health Action Committee, a volunteer group that has been lobbying for more resident doctors in rural communities….”

Date of Article: April 24, 2017
Source: CBC News

Canada Summer Games looking for torchbearers

“…The 2017 Canada Summer Games is inviting Manitobans to apply to become a torchbearer or nominate someone in their community for the Manitoba Hydro Torch Relay. Organizers are looking for 50 torchbearers for Winnipeg plus 10-20 torchbearers for each rural community along the 3,500-km route in 200-metre segments….”

Date of Article: March 10, 2017
Source: Winnipeg Sun

False happiness renders men stern and proud, and that happiness is never communicated. True happiness renders kind and sensible, and that happiness is always shared.
Charles de Montesquieu