Manitoba Women in Agriculture and food (MWAF)

Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Contact: Laura Lazo

Manitoba Women in Agriculture and food (MWAF) Logo

The Manitoba Women in Agriculture and Food (MWAF) works to empower women to achieve their career and business aspirations. MWAF also supports companies and industry organizations to advance diversity, equality and inclusion in the workplace.

We are a registered non-profit that advocates for all women in the entire agriculture and food processing sectors, from producers to the products and services sectors.

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Manitoba Women in Agriculture and food (MWAF)’s Volunteer Opportunities

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Caring about others, running the risk of feeling, and leaving an impact on people, brings happiness.
Rabbi Harold Kushner

Contact Manitoba Women in Agriculture and food (MWAF)

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Winnipeg, Manitoba

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